Myrmecridium schulzeri

Authors (Sacc.) Arzanlou, W. Gams & Crous 2007
Strain 12015
Classification Myrmecridiales, Myrmecridiaceae, Myrmecridium
Culture collection BCRC FU30016
Detection frequency Low
Accession number LC494379
Figure Fig. 1 5-day-old colony on PDA Fig. 2 Myrmecridium schulzeri. a–b. Conidiophores and conidia. c. Sporulation on CM. d. Conidia. (Bars= 5 μm, unless otherwise specified)
Colonies Colonies on PDA attaining 17-mm at 25 °C after 5 days, cottony, pale orange, turning orange and slimy with age, margins filiform, reverse dark orange, paler toward the margin.
Conidiophores Conidiophores macronematous, arising vertically from the creeping hyphae, with broader basal cell, straight or flexuous, mostly simple, occasionally with one or more branches, subhyaline to brown, subhyaline at the apex, darker towards the base, thick-walled, up to 200 µm long, 2–4 µm wide; basal cell 4–6 µm wide.
Conidiogenous cells Conidiogenous cells integrated, terminal or intercalary, denticulate.
Conidia Conidia subhyaline, obovoid or fusiform, 1-celled, with acuminate base, 5–9 µm long, 2–4 µm wide.
Note This species has been found in soils or saprophytic on grasses (CBS 304.73 from wheat straw; CBS 325.74 from Triticum aestivum root) and many different plant hosts (Arzanlou et al., 2007). This species is also a opportunistic pathogen to humans. Myrmecridium resembles Ramichloridium, the latter is also commonly found in nature. Myrmecridium can be distinguished from Ramichloridium by having hyaline vegetative hyphae and orange colonies on PDA. Further detail distinction between both genera can refer to Arzanlou et al. (2007).
Pathogenicity Unknown
Specimens examined Taiwan, Yunlin County, rice grains (cultivar Tainan 11), Sep 2012, Jie-Hao Ou, 12015