Microdochium albescens

Authors (Thüm.) Hern.-Restr. & Crous 2015
Strain 14127
Classification Xylariales, Microdochiaceae, Microdochium
Culture collection BCRC FU31178
Detection frequency Medium
Figure Fig. 1 5-day-old colony on PDA Fig. 2 Microdochium albescens. a–d. Colonies at 25 °C after 5 d. a–b. PDA. c–d. OA. e–f. Conidiophores, conidiogenous cells and conidia. g. Abundant sporulation on PDA induced by scraping off the aerial mycelium with tooth-brush. h. Sporulation from reduced conidiogenous cells. i. Conidiogenous cells with annellated necks j. Conidia.
Colonies Colonies on PDA attaining 42-, 47-, 52-, 53-, 35-mm under 16 °C, 20 °C, 24 °C, 28 °C, 32 °C after 5 days, respectively, floccose with abundant white aerial mycelium, azonate, slightly fasciculate at the edge, center turning pale orange with age, sporulation scanty, reverse similar, pale orange. Colonies on OA effuse, aerial mycelium moderate, white, slightly zonate, sporulation moderate, reverse similar.
Sporodochia Sporodochia present, superficial, slimy, pale orange.
Conidiophores Sporodochial conidiophores macronematous or micronematous, hyaline, short, slightly thicker than vegetative hyphae, 2–3.5 μm in width.
Conidiogenous cells Sporodochial conidiogenous cells hyaline, annellidic, mostly discrete, flask-shaped with elongated necks, sometimes reduced to small denticles.
Conidia Sporodochial conidia hyaline, fusiform to oblong, straight or slightly curved, with slightly truncated bases, aseptate or with 1 inconspicuous septum, 10.0–13.0 × 2.5–3.5 μm.
Chlamydospores Chlamydospores not observed.
Note This species is exclusively associated with rice, and is pathogenic. The rice disease caused by this species is very likely seed-transmittable. This species can be distinguished from other Microdochium species occurring on rice seeds by having larger conidia.
Pathogenicity This species has been reported to cause rice leaf scald disease (Ou, 1985).
Specimens examined Taiwan, Taitung County, rice grains (cultivar Taiken 2), Sep 2014, Jie-Hao Ou, 14127
Taiwan, Ilan County, rice grains (cultivar Kaohsiung 147), Jan 2017, Jie-Hao Ou, 17009
Taiwan, Miaoli County, rice grains (cultivar Miaoli 2), Dec 2014, Jie-Hao Ou, 14188