Fusarium andiyazi

Authors Marasas, Rheeder, Lampr., K.A. Zeller & J.F. Leslie 2001
Strain 18040
Classification Hypocreales, Nectriaceae, Fusarium
Culture collection processing
Detection frequency Low
Figure Fig. 1 5-day-old colony on PDA Fig. 2 Fusarium andiyazi. a–c, e. Conidiophores and conidia. d. Sporulation on CLA. f. Sporodochia on PDA. g. Sporodochial conidiophores and conidiogenous cells (Bars= 5 μm, unless otherwise specified)
Colonies Colonies on PDA attaining 64-mm at 25 °C after 5 days, cottony, pale orange, slightly zonate, margin entire, reverse similar.
Sporodochia Sporodochia not observed on CLA. Sporodochia on PDA orange, composed of both macro- and microconidia. Sporodochial conidiophores short, bearing 1–5 monophialides.
Conidiophores Conidiophores macro- or micronematous, erect or prostrate, hyaline, simple or with 1–2 branches, up to 60 µm long, 2–3 µm wide.
Conidiogenous cells Conidiogenous cells mono- or polyphialidic, hyaline, 15–35 × 2–3(–3.5) µm, often reduce to short adelophialide.
Conidia Macroconidia hyaline, falcate, with inconspicuous 4–9 septa, 22–95 × 3–4.5 µm. Microconidia in chains or false head, hyaline, straight or slightly curved, cylindrical or allantoid, 7–12(–14) × 1.5–2.5(–3) µm.
Note This strain is phylogenetically closely related to F. andiyazi (ex-type CBS 119857) with the similarity in ITS and EF1a sequences are 99.51% and 98.37% respectively.
The shape of the microconidia (clavate to ovoid vs. cylindrical or allantoid) and the length of the macroconidia (18–56 µm vs. 22–95 µm) in this strain are slightly different from F. andiyazi described by Marasas et al. (2001). This can be considered as intraspecific variation.
This species is a member of F. fujikuroi species complex, and can be distinguished by the shape of microconidia (obovoid vs. cylindrical or allantoid) and the longer macroconidia (35–59 µm vs. 22–95).
Pathogenicity Unknown
Specimens examined Taiwan, Changhua County, rice grains (cultivar Tainan 11), Jul 2018, Jie-Hao Ou, 18040