Albifimbria verrucaria

Authors (Alb. & Schwein.) L. Lombard & Crous 2016
Strain 13054
Classification Hypocreales, Stachybotryaceae, Albifimbria
Culture collection BCRC FU30211
Detection frequency Low
Accession number LC494380
Figure Fig. 1 5-day-old colony on PDA Fig. 2 Albifimbria verrucaria. a.Sporulation on cornmeal agar. b, e. Phialidic conidiogenous cells. c, d.Conidia with inconspicuous fantailed appendages (Bars= 5 μm, unless otherwise specified). Fig. 3 Necrosis on inoculated leaf.
Colonies Colonies on PDA attaining 19-, 20-, 0-mm diam. at 24 °C, 28 °C and 37 °C after 5 days, margins entire, cottony, reverse yellowish to pale orange, aerial mycelium scanty on CMA.
Conidiophores Conidiophores macronematous, branched, densely aggregated, forming sporodochia.
Conidiogenous cells Conidiogenous cells phialidic, subhyaline, discrete, cylindrical, 10–18 × 2–3 µm.
Conidia Conidia borne in slimy mass, pale brown, dark black in mass, broadly fusiform, sometimes guttulate, with inconspicuous fantailed appendages, 5.5–7.5 × 2.5–3.5 µm.
Note Strain 13054 shares 99.8% identity in ITS region with the ex-type strain of Albifimbria verrucaria (CBS 328.52, MH857060), with only difference in a single-nucleotide gap.
Pathogenicity This species have been reported to cause Myrothecium blotch on rice (Ou, 1985). Pathogenicity was confirmed by artificial inoculation with strain 13054. Leaf necrosis was observed on inoculated rice plant.
Specimens examined Taiwan, Taichung City, rice grains (cultivar Tainan 11), Sep 2013, Jie-Hao Ou, 13054